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Mindray dp 10 ultrasound

Country/Region: Ghana
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-18
Valid to:2024-10-16

Dialysis Machine

Country/Region: Somalia
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-18
Valid to:2024-10-16

Urit CBC and chemistry machine

Country/Region: Ethiopia
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-18
Valid to:2024-10-16


Country/Region: Ethiopia
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-20
Valid to:2024-10-18

valproic acid

Country/Region: China
Purchase Quantity: 100 Kg(s)
Post time:2024-09-04
Valid to:2024-10-19

Doppler ultrasound

Country/Region: Ethiopia
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-22
Valid to:2024-10-20


Country/Region: India
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-24
Valid to:2024-10-22


Country/Region: Nigeria
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-24
Valid to:2024-10-22

Ultra sound machine

Country/Region: Nigeria
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-24
Valid to:2024-10-22


Country/Region: Kenya
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-25
Valid to:2024-10-23

Sphygmomanometer device

Country/Region: Nigeria
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-25
Valid to:2024-10-23

Doppler ultrasound

Country/Region: Ethiopia
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-26
Valid to:2024-10-24


Country/Region: Peru
Purchase Quantity: 1 Kg(s)
Post time:2024-09-09
Valid to:2024-10-24

Semi auto biochemistry analyser

Country/Region: India
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-28
Valid to:2024-10-26

Dental instrument

Country/Region: Ethiopia
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-28
Valid to:2024-10-26

Urine analyser

Country/Region: India
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-28
Valid to:2024-10-26

Blood pressure monitor degital

Country/Region: United States
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-28
Valid to:2024-10-26

Monitor 5 para

Country/Region: India
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-28
Valid to:2024-10-26


Country/Region: Ethiopia
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-28
Valid to:2024-10-26

Auto clave machines

Country/Region: Ethiopia
Purchase Quantity: Negotiable
Post time:2024-07-28
Valid to:2024-10-26

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CPhI Worldwide Europe

CPhI Worldwide Europe (Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Europe Exhibition) is the largest pharmaceutical raw materials exhibition in Europe and is held every year in a different European city. The exhibition aims to provide a platform for professionals in the pharmaceutical industry to showcase the latest products and technologies, share industry exper

CPhI Worldwide Europe CPhI Intermediate

FCE Pharma

FCE Pharma - the International Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Pharmaceutical Exhibition in São Paulo, Brazil, is the premier pharmaceutical technology exhibition in South America. It plays a pivotal role in the development of the pharmaceutical industry by introducing trends, products, and services, as well as sharing content and experiences throug

FCE Pharma Pharmaceutical Ingredients Intermediate


The MEDICA exhibition showcases the latest medical equipment, medical supplies, medical technology and services, covering various fields such as hospital equipment, surgical equipment, medical instruments, diagnostic equipment, rehabilitation equipment, and home medical supplies. Exhibitors can showcase their latest medical equipment and services a

MEDICA Medical equipment Medical consumables

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